Lupita Nyong’o’s senior sister, Zawadi, has taken to online networking and communicated her resentment after a woman humiliated her at the Tribe Hotel.
Obviously, she had gone to appreciate a night out with her dad at the costly inn however a female reveler spoilt her night when she discourteously came to her and inquired as to whether she was Lupita’s mom.
“I inquired as to whether I looked that old to her. She said, no this is on the grounds that you look just like her. So that makes me her mom? NKT I require a T-shirt ASAP,” Zawadi bemoaned on online networking.
Zawadi, who is a proficient writer and business person, asserts that she is sick of getting public recognition as a result of her sister’s prominence.
“Not a solitary day passes by, regardless of where I am (healing center, market, eatery, road, rec center, and so on) without being asked… Are Lupita’s sister?. I beg that one day I can simply be seen as Zawadi, a person. Not #NyongosDaughter or #LupitasSister. Sigh. I am drained.” She tweeted.
Zawadi further gloated that she is considering re-situating to a remote town in India in order to keep away from public scrutiny.
She now asks Kenyans to worry about their own concerns and quit gazing at her like a scarecrow out in the open.